Beyond the Classroom

I’ve been fortunate to offer my students opportunities to move their work beyond the classroom and out into the broader (fan and academic) communities.

During the fall 2011 semester, I collaborated with the students in my Science Fiction Cautionary Tales course on an article for the 300th issue of the Hugo-award winning fanzine, The Drink Tank. Here is a PDF of our (5-page) contribution to that massive (more than 250 pages) issue: The Evil SF Trivia Quiz, Or What Happens When They Let a Fan Teach a Lit Class.

Then, in April 2012, I was thrilled to escort two graduate students to the 2012 Conference of the National Popular Culture & American Culture Association in Boston.

Here is a picture of Dana Kukucka (Patrie) reading her paper, “Anne Boleyn in Modern Film and Television.”

And here is Leanne Foster participating in her panel discussion after having successfully read her paper, “Cyborg Utopia: Rejecting the Myth of Control in Twenty-First Century Post- Determinism Science Fiction.”

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